
Comprised of 50 short chapters: This is not a book of theoretical principles but a routemap for the journey tha...Beryl herself has taken into the heart of God. If you want 'more', or desire to 'go deeper' and long to 'climb the mountain' with Jesus. then this will be your map, your guide and handbook for the journey. And don't race through it, take your time to ponder, to chew, to listen to Father and Holy Spirit, and allow yourself to be changed forever. Fifty 'sessions' for you to encounter heaven on earth, to be transformed, and best of all, help others to encounter Jesus more

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Comprised of 92 short chapters based on the Sermon On The Mount: When Adam followed his own will,...he dislocated mankind from the will of God. Jesus, the Second Adam, came specifically to do the will of the Father and in so doing, broke the power of sin and rebellion for all who would enter in so we also would declare:‘Not my will but Thine be done’.The road from rebellion to submission is the sum of our journey; absolute surrender our aim; our utmost for His highest. The glory of the creature is fully restored when our will is aligned with His and we agree and declare with Jesus: ‘Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come’.

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Comprised of 109 short chapters based on the Sermon On The Mount: When Adam followed his own will,... he dislocated mankind from the will of God. Jesus, the Second Adam, came specifically to do the will of the Father and in so doing, broke the power of sin and rebellion for all who would enter in so we also would declare: ‘Not my will but Thine be done’.The road from rebellion to submission is the sum of our journey; absolute surrender our aim; our utmost for His highest. The glory of the creature is fully restored when our will is aligned with His and we agree and declare with Jesus: ‘Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come’.

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Comprised of 92 short chapters based on the Sermon On The Mount: When Adam followed his own will,... he dislocated mankind from the will of God. Jesus, the Second Adam, came specifically to do the will of the Father and in so doing, broke the power of sin and rebellion for all who would enter in so we also would declare: ‘Not my will but Thine be done’.The road from rebellion to submission is the sum of our journey; absolute surrender our aim; our utmost for His highest. The glory of the creature is fully restored when our will is aligned with His and we agree and declare with Jesus: ‘Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come’.

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Comprised of 93 short chapters based on the Sermon On The Mount: When Adam followed his own will,... he dislocated mankind from the will of God. Jesus, the Second Adam, came specifically to do the will of the Father and in so doing, broke the power of sin and rebellion for all who would enter in so we also would declare:‘Not my will but Thine be done’.The road from rebellion to submission is the sum of our journey; absolute surrender our aim; our utmost for His highest. The glory of the creature is fully restored when our will is aligned with His and we agree and declare with Jesus: ‘Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come’.

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He Calls Her Bride

Written as a film script this books adds new insight to the reader on God’s eternal plan & ends with a real life possible scenario based on those left behind when others are taken to heaven at the end of time.

We are all convinced that we are right in our beliefs, whatever they may be....I am convinced that God is good, merciful, gracious and loving. That He hates religion in every form and cannot abide legalism. I am also convinced that many Christians are living lives of quiet desperation because they believe that their salvation depends on their performance.Saved by grace, they now have to do the rest themselves. This results in, at the very least, striving, and at the worst, nervous breakdown and disillusionment. I am convinced that because of His great love for His Bride and the price He paid to redeem her, God is making war on everything that isn’t of Him; everything that doesn’t proclaim that He is a giver first and foremost; that everything He asks of us, He first gives us… If you think otherwise, open the book, and see if you still have the same belief system when you have studied it.

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